Any recreationally registered player may request a refund.

Note: Competitive program registration fees are non-refundable except for a program cancellation with a valid medical reason submitted with supporting documentation (i.e., doctor's note).


Medical reason

A request for a refund shall be made in writing to the Club and directed to the Operations Manager and shall be based on medical reason(s) with supporting medical documentation from a health care provider.

The amount of the refund shall be determined by the Club as follows:

A. Before the Season: If the player asks for a refund before the commencement of the season, defined as the start time for the player's team's first scheduled game, the player will be refunded the registration fee less the applicable administration/cancellation fee.

B. During the Season: If the player asks for a refund after the commencement of the season, defined as the start time for the player's team's first scheduled game, the player will be refunded the registration fee, less the applicable administration fee, less the cost of the uniform, less the applicable OSA registration fees and less the cost of the prorated weeks played by the team as a percentage of the total number of scheduled weeks for that team.

Non-medical reason

Non-Medical Reason

For both the indoor and outdoor season, the Club establishes an early refund date.  For the outdoor season, this refund date is May 1.  For the Indoor season this date is October 5.

If a player withdraws from the Club for a non-medical reason, the request for a refund shall be made in writing to the Club and directed to the Operations Manager. 

If it is before the early refund date, the player will be refunded the cost of the registration fee less the applicable administration fee. The standard cancellation fee is $35 per registration.

If the request is submitted to the Club after the early refund date but before the commencement of the season, the player will be refunded the cost of the registration fee less the late withdrawal administration fee which is $35 plus $50, for a total of $85.

If the request is submitted to the Club after the beginning of the season, defined as the start time for the player's first scheduled session, the player will be refunded the cost of the registration fee less the administration fee plus $50, less the cost of the uniform, less the applicable OSA registration fees and less the cost of the prorated games played by the team as a percentage of the total number of scheduled games for that team.


"Administration fee" means the published administration/cancellation fee as published on the Club’s registration documentation.

"Club" means the Markham Soccer Club.

"Cost of the uniform" means the current budgeted cost for all uniforms and/or equipment provided to the player at the beginning of the season.

"Health care provider" means medical doctor, nurse, nurse practitioner, chiropractor, physiotherapist, psychologist or psychiatrist.

"In writing" means hand written, typed or email communication.

"Medical opinion" is a written note from a health care provider explaining why the player is unable to play soccer for the season.

"Player" means the person requesting the refund, or in the case of incapacity or a minor, the person making the request on behalf of the player.

"Registration fee" means the regularly priced registration fee for a Club program. It does not include any extra fees such as late registration fees, NSF fees or any other extraneous fees.

"Season" means the soccer season or program registered for.

"Team" means the player's team, as applicable.